In a debate-Multiple correct answers or just one ?

Depending on the kind of question asked, it can have various answers (divergent) or only one correct answer (convergent).

Shalaka Khot
2 min readOct 5, 2020

Once I noticed something interesting when I went for a hike. While I was walking from afar towards a tree, it looked like it had snow on it. I was surprised because there was no prediction of snow for the night before. Plus, it hardly ever snows here, at the end of September! As I came closer I saw a different reality…

I took its picture and decided to ask some people — what they thought about it?

What is on that tree?

Few of them said they thought it might be snow on the tree and were surprised! They asked me if it really snowed so early?

Some said it was early for snow so it might be Halloween decorations. While others inquired about the details like - when did I take the pic? etc. to come up with exact answer…

Some answered with an instinct while others tried to reason and get as close to accuracy as possible.

Some were divergent and others convergent thinkers.

What is Divergent Thinking?

“Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions.”(Source: Wikipedia)

What is Convergent Thinking?

“The ability to give the “correct” answer to standard questions that do not require significant creativity, for instance in most tasks in school and on standardized multiple-choice tests for intelligence.”(Source: Wikipedia)

A debate usually presents opposite arguments or views about a particular topic, from the participants. In a two people debate, you might find a person is showing convergent thinking while answering the debate questions, they are taking opposite stand to the strategy of their divergent opponent. Sometimes this convergent thinking makes them stand out for some audience, while the creative solutions presented by the divergent thinkers impresses others. Thus, divergent or convergent both styles have their own respective perspectives.

In the case of the plant it’s not snow or Halloween decoration, and it’s definitely not enhanced graphic for visual hierarchy. Then what is it?

It’s just water droplets on a spider web!

#Debate #Pespective #Perception #Thoughts



Shalaka Khot

Possesses 15+ years experience in IT sector with dual Masters degrees in Science & Business. Writing style focuses on cerebration about the topics peculiarity.